सोरायसिस एवं विटिलिगो / ल्यूकोडर्मा, एक्जिमा इत्यादि चर्म रोगों के लिए आशा की किरण!

सोरायसिस एक त्वचा रोग है जो दुनिया की 2-3% आबादी (लगभग 12.5 करोड़) को प्रभावित करता है। भारत में, अस्पतालों के अध्ययन के आधार पर, लगभग 1% आबादी को प्रभावित करने का अनुमान है। यह ब्लॉग मैंने सोरायसिस के अपने अनुभव के आधार पर लिखा है, पर अब मुझे लगता है कि यह कुछ अन्य त्वचा रोगों जैसे विटिलिगो / ल्यूकोडर्मा, एक्जिमा आदि को भी मदद कर सकता है। यदि आप किसी भी हालत में सुझाए गए प्रोटोकॉल को अपनाते हैं तो कृपया टिप्पणी अनुभाग में परिणाम साझा भी करेंगे कि क्या फायदा हुआ? इस तरह, हम संभवतः दूसरों की भी मदद कर सकते हैं।

[यह ब्लॉग अंग्रेजी में लिखे मूल आलेख का अनुवाद है जो इस लिंक पर उपलब्ध है https://ranjan.inhope-for-psoriasis/ ]

सोरायसिस एक त्वचा रोग है जो दुनिया की 2-3% आबादी (लगभग 12.5 करोड़) को प्रभावित करता है। भारत में, अस्पतालों के अध्ययन के आधार पर, लगभग 1% आबादी को प्रभावित करने का अनुमान है। यह ब्लॉग मैंने सोरायसिस के अपने अनुभव के आधार पर लिखा है, पर अब मुझे लगता है कि यह कुछ अन्य त्वचा रोगों जैसे विटिलिगो / ल्यूकोडर्मा, एक्जिमा आदि को भी मदद कर सकता है। यदि आप किसी भी हालत में सुझाए गए प्रोटोकॉल को अपनाते हैं तो कृपया टिप्पणी अनुभाग में परिणाम साझा भी करेंगे कि क्या फायदा हुआ? इस तरह, हम संभवतः दूसरों की भी मदद कर सकते हैं।

Continue reading “सोरायसिस एवं विटिलिगो / ल्यूकोडर्मा, एक्जिमा इत्यादि चर्म रोगों के लिए आशा की किरण!”

My Research Journey to Brain

This blog tries to summarize my research journey from Universe to Sun to Moon to Earth to Body to Brain.

In school days

[ This blog tries to summarize my research journey from Universe to Sun to Moon to Earth to Body to Brain. Some of this is covered in a talk I gave at IIASA, Vienna – https://youtu.be/327A01oYqdo ]

Continue reading “My Research Journey to Brain”

Miracle Recovery For A Young Parkinsonism Patient!

For last 12-13 years, I have been working to develop assistive devices to help persons with severe disability. ( https://ranjan.inict-based-assistive-technology-to-help-persons-with-severe-disability-national-science-day-2017niscair/) During this phase I came across many with very difficult conditions and slowly I started to take interest in human health. in 2012, I had pain due to Gallstone and I came across a technique to remove Gallstones without surgery. I have written  a blog on this process – Liver/Gall Bladder Cleanse Process Based On Andreas Moritz Book

Continue reading “Miracle Recovery For A Young Parkinsonism Patient!”

Hope for Psoriasis (and possibly other skins issues e.g. Vitiligo/Leucoderma, Eczema etc)?

Psoriasis is a skin disease that seems to affect 2-3% of world population impacting about 125 Million(12.5 cr). In India, it is estimated to affect about 1% of population based on hospital studies (so may be missing out on many, who may not approach hospitals). While I had written this blog based on my experience of Psoriasis, I have a feeling that it may help with few other skin conditions such as Vitiligo/Leucoderma, Eczema etc. If you try this protocol for any condition, please share results through comments section. This way, we can possibly help others.

Psoriasis is a skin disease that seems to affect 2-3% of world population impacting about 125 Million(12.5 cr). In India, it is estimated to affect about 1% of population based on hospital studies (so may be missing out on many, who may not approach hospitals). While I had written this blog based on my experience of Psoriasis, I have a feeling that it may help with few other skin conditions such as Vitiligo/Leucoderma, Eczema etc. If you try this protocol for any condition, please share results through comments section. This way, we can possibly help others.

Continue reading “Hope for Psoriasis (and possibly other skins issues e.g. Vitiligo/Leucoderma, Eczema etc)?”

Sarita’s dream came true!

in 2011, I had developed a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) based system to allow persons with severe disability to type on computer and do other things such as control light fan etc. This could help those who do not have hand/leg movements. A device of this kind was provided to Mr Suresh Karat in Coimbatore in March 2012. I came across video of talented Sarita Dwivedi and thought she may benefit from this device. Sarita lost both her hand and one leg in a childhood accident. Continue reading “Sarita’s dream came true!”

Liver/Gall bladder cleanse process based on Andreas Moritz Book

I had used this process to remove Gallstones during 2012-13 without any surgery needed. After going through the book carefully, I found that it is useful for so many health conditions that everyone should do this. I am attaching a list of various ailments in which it seems to help towards end of blog.

Liver and Gall Bladder Cleansing based on book “The Amazing Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse by Andreas Moritz

Liver and Gall Bladder Flush
Liver and Gall Bladder Flush

(Note : You should not use Apple Juice if you are diabetic. You would need to substitute it with Malic Acid. (See details at later part of the blog). In addition, if you have any other major health issues, be sure to read the original book and this note is not a substitute for the book. Many persons keep asking me about the process in a short form, so I have prepared this note – Prabhat Ranjan)

Continue reading “Liver/Gall bladder cleanse process based on Andreas Moritz Book”